Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment #8 The Real Riel

Interviewer: And now, he's a ghost from the past, some say he was the father of confederation but some say he was a traitor; let's give it up for Louis Riel!

(audience claps)

Louis Riel: Thanks! it feels great to be here.

Interviewer: Very good! O.K. so Louis, I'm going to ask you a series of questions; about three, and I was hoping you could answer them the best you can for me. Is that alright?

Louis Riel: Sure! That's fine with me.

Interviewer: Great! Let's get started then. Question number one: What was your main occupation or job and what did you do to help benefit Canada' s future?

Louis Riel: Well, I was a Canadian Politician, and was the founder of Manitoba, to answer your second question. I was also the leader of an aboriginal group named the Metis. I fought for their rights, to preserve their culture and their homeland, and I led 2 resistance groups against the government because they had threatened the Metis. They didn't care about them, but someone had to; so I chose to defend them.

Interviewer: That was very brave of you. Question number two: After each of your rebellions, were there consequences for your actions? If so, what were they?

Louis Riel: The consequence for the first rebellion was exile in the United States. Even so, I was elected into the house of commons three times, but I never attended my position because how could I without being arrested? I was a fugitive. But all didn't seem that bad though, when I met my wife in Montana while still in exile in 1881, and had my two wonderful children. When it was over, I returned to Saskatchewan to represent the Metis again. It later turned into another rebellion, but this time when I was arrested, I was executed because I apparently had committed "high treason" towards the country, which resulted in my trial and death.

Interviewer: That's very sad. Question number three: Why do you think some people think that you are a traitor while some think that you are a father of confederation?

Louis Riel: I think that some people think that I am a traitor because even though I fought for what I thought was right, I led two resistance against my own country and died because of it as an outcome. I think that some people think that I a father of confederation because I founded Manitoba, and fought for the cause I believed in which in my mind was in the right thing to do in the end.

Interviewer: Louis, I think that you are an amazing person and not a traitor in my opinion but unfortunately we are out of time. Ladies and gentleman let's say goodbye to Louis Riel!

Louis Riel: Goodbye and thanks everyone!

A helpful source for all of my information was Wikipedia. They had all the facts I needed to know and more.


Anonymous said...

Hey dillon

great job on assignment #8.
can you please follow my blog???????????
